Behind the scenes of the science and the supercomputing, invisible behind the datasets and the virtual laboratories, are the people who keep them running and those who use them for discoveries that improve our world.


Dr Maria del Mar Quiroga

I'm really proud of navigating this very windy professional path, and not giving up until I got to where I wanted to be. I'm in my mid-30s, and only now I feel like I found my place in the world...


Annelisa Stella Rigoni

I’ve had a fascination with small scale science since my parents bought me my first toy microscope at age 6. High school and my 3 undergraduates degrees helped to refine my interests, from applied...


Dr Colette Kerry

Working as a researcher in Physical Oceanography, I feel like I have found that perfect way to combine my passion for the ocean and for maths.


Dr Adele Morrison

Climate scientists can’t magically stop climate change – that’s up to all of us.


Dr Evelyne Deplazes

"I have an intrinsic love of learning, so I really enjoy working with scientists from different fields and continuously learning new things."